Linbert Spencer OBE 

Consultant, coach and facilitator; helping organisations Manage Inclusion to achieve added value from diversity and thereby improve organisation performance.

In just an hour, you helped us to break through the ‘fog’ of D&I semantics to enable us to consider a way forward...

Committed to being a consultant with whom
my client will be delighted.

Making clients' lives easier and adding value by operating in an efficient, flexible and responsive way to deliver exceptional service.  



Helping organisations to create and sustain a corporate culture that values human diversity and supports and develops employees whose style and approaches are compatible with those values.


Helping individuals to develop self-knowledge and belief, to create and become more focussed on their goals and take more responsibility for moving from where they are now to where they want to be in the future.

An accomplished keynote speaker

Linbert has been inspiring audiences in more than 20 countries for over 30 years. 


  • proactively seeks mutual understanding of clients’ needs and then offers appropriate responses to those needs.
  • acts with integrity and openness in all aspects of his work with clients.
  • encourages suppliers and professional partners to manage inclusion, value diversity and promote equality.



Action Learning Sets

We facilitate Action Learning Sets of 4 to 6 people over 6 to 12 months. They are intentional and dynamic environments for participants to raise difficult questions, discuss sensitive issues, engage in reflective learning and create an agenda for any relevant input required to meet their identified learning priorities. See Take-aways.



Linbert Spencer Consultancy provides coaching to help clients to be, have or do more by enabling them to clarify their personal and professional goals, and/or discover what they need to do to achieve their goals and/or commit to action, and/or become who they want to be. The client may have specific goals that they want the coach to help them achieve or particular issues that they want help to resolve, or resolve more quickly.


Coaching Workshops

Linbert Spencer Consultancy provides coaching to help clients to be, have or do more by enabling them to clarify their personal and professional goals, and/or discover what they need to do to achieve their goals and/or commit to action, and/or become who they want to be. The client may have specific goals that they want the coach to help them achieve or particular issues that they want help to resolve, or resolve more quickly.


Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Seminars 

Our diversity and inclusion seminars are about the effective performance of an organisation and its diverse workforce(by-the-way every workplace comprising 2 or people is diverse!) We assume that any organisation wanting to be more successful needs to recognise, capitalise on, and maximise the value derived from the diversity of its staff. The starting point for organisations is to recognise the value of, and then actively seek to benefit from the diversity of their staff team.

Activities currently include designing and facilitating:

Leadership development programmes for staff at all levels

Inclusion, diversity and equality strategy development

Inclusion, diversity and equality  programmes for all staff 

Personal effectiveness programmes

Coaching programmes for individuals and teams at all levels

Inclusive Coaching workshops for managers and leaders



Inclusive Leadership : What it is and Why it Matters

A questionnaire for setting personal diversity objectives

13 Reasons for having an inclusion/diversity Coachmentor

Learning is…. 

Anti-discrimination legislation at a glance

Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion – similar but different


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We will reply as soon as possible


Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00

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